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Interested in learning more?
Paul Ramirez, Executive Producer
Mobile: (402) 601-6056

Stand Up Lincoln is a non profit organization located in Lincoln, Nebraska. We provide a variety
of services to local non-profit organizations that aid them in their missions to serve our community.
Event Management: Our team can assist your organization from conception to post event evaluation. Our level of involvement ranges from consultation to actual leadership roles based on your organization's needs.
Volunteer Recruitment: We can assist your event by providing sound volunteer recruiting principles, training and management. We also have a large pool of volunteers that we can recruit from to assist you in your goals.
Fundraising: With over 30 years experience and more than $15 million raised, our team can bring you the experience you need to increase your event's potential.
Program/Event Evaluations and Assessments: An outside look at what is exceptional and areas that need to be improved is important to grow your event's and organization's potential. After a thorough evaluation our team will provide proven ideas to help you improve your event and ultimately aiding your organization achieve it's mission.
Speakers Bureau: Stand Up Lincoln can connect you with experienced professionals in virtually every area of event management, volunteer resource management and fundraising.